Vinnies CEO sleepout

Vinnies CEO Sleepout - 22 June 2023

Join other leaders and sleep without shelter on the longest night of the year - to help end homelessness.

Find out more

Why do we sleepout?

St Vincent de Paul Society holds the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise awareness of the growing issue of homelessness and the care of people who are homeless.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:

Support provided

Over 278,000 people were supported by homelessness agencies in Australia over the 2021-2022 financial year.

Most common reason for homelessness?

Family and domestic violence and the housing crisis are the most common reasons for people to seek support for homelessness.

Which gender needs assistance the most?

60% of people seeking homelessness services were female.

What age group is impacted the most?

People aged between 25 and 34 years made up the largest age group among adults seeking homelessness services.

What about younger people?

3 in 10 people who sought support for homelessness were aged under 18.

The high demand for services and limited resources means some people might be turned away or have to wait for the support they need.

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout is your opportunity to make a difference.

The Sleepout is part of our Winter Appeal and challenges business and community leaders to sleep rough for one night in winter and raise funds to combat the issue. Are you in?

Vinnies CEO sleepout (external link) 

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